शुक्रवार, 26 अगस्त 2011

रामनरेश यादव होंगें म.प्र. के नये राज्यपाल, 5 नये राज्यपाल नियुक्त और एक का तबादला हुआ

The President has been pleased to make the following appointments:-
1.                 Shri K. Sankaranarayanan, Governor of Maharashtra to discharge the functions of the Governor of Goa for the remainder of his term, in addition to his own duties.
2.                 Shri M.O.H. Farook, Governor of Jharkhand transferred and appointed as Governor of Kerala for the remainder of his term.
3.                 Shri Ram Naresh Yadav as Governor of Madhya Pradesh.
4.                 Shri Vakkom Purushothaman as Governor of Mizoram.
5.                 Shri K. Rosaiah as Governor of Tamil Nadu.
6.                 Dr. Syed Ahmed as Governor of Jharkhand.
Their appointments will take effect from the dates they assume their respective charges.
Rashtrapati Bhavan
New Delhi: August 26, 2011

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